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Claire Davies
The Underneath, Youth Landscapers at Timber Festival, Associate Artist, March-July 2022
Working alongside Architectural Designer Will Harvey and musician Tom Harris, we worked with a small group of teenagers to develop an immersive moving image installation situated in the National Forest for the Timber Festival 2022. Inspired by months of research around mycelium, such as visiting mushroom factories and foraging in woodlands, I introduced the youths to a range of processes including photogrammetry, stop motion animation, microscope cameras, coding, and GIFs to explore the visual representation of their research.
Photos by: David Severn, Claire Davies, Jim Brouwer, Rebecca Lee & Jo Wheeler

Staging Moving Image Workshop, Nottingham Trent University 2019-present day
A workshop exploring the installation qualities of moving image, from phenomenological sensitivity to choreographing the viewer.

Documentation Workshop, selection of slides, Nottingham Trent University 2015-present day

POWER-POINT-POWER, Lecture and Workshop, Sheffield Hallam University, 2023
A lecture and workshop looking at the artist's use of the lecture format in performance presentations, including performance lectures by Laurie Anderson, Andy Holden, and the Guerrilla Girls, and lecture-based events such as the Extinction Marathon at the Serpentine Galleries.
Workshop inspired by The Way Things Go, Fischli and Weiss, National Saturday Art Club at Nottingham Trent University, 2021
Despite increased engagement and student demand since Covid-19, many institutions are now stopping the provision of the National Saturday Art Club. Now more than ever the National Saturday Art Club is an important widening participation route not just into Higher Education but also for the development of social skills and confidence. The club is still continuing at Nottingham Trent University, but more clubs across the country are needed.

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